
Environmental protection is a matter for all of us. PURPLAN is also facing the challenge of becoming a sustainable company and is focusing on renewable energies.

Sustainable environmental and climate protection, as well as resource efficiency, are important corporate goals for us. We emphasize the importance of minimizing environmental risks and negative impacts through preventive measures. This includes in particular:

  • Reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Maintaining air quality and improving air quality.
  • Protecting water bodies, preserving water quality, responsible water usage, and conscientious chemical management.
  • Managing natural resources and minimizing waste.


Our commitment

We think long-term and, for this reason, have placed a strong emphasis on an independent and environmentally friendly power supply early on. The majority of our required heat energy is generated from environmental sources through heat pumps. For our electricity supply, we have been relying on photovoltaic installations on our operational rooftops for many years. In the future, we also intend to further reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Our heating energy

Our power sources

Our energy sources in numbers

The majority of our required heating energy is provided through environmental energy via heat pumps.

  • Total heating energy consumption: 154,540 kWh

A significant portion of our electrical energy is supplied through two solar installations.

  • Total electrical energy consumption: 327,065 kWh