Future Day 2024: Girls' and Boys' Day

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On April 25, 2024, PURPLAN held an exciting Future Day on which girls and boys from every school year had the opportunity to get a taste of the profession of plant mechanic (m/f/d). The aim of this special day was not only to give the young people a theoretical insight into this exciting profession, but also to give them practical experience.

A day as a plant mechanic (m/f/d) at PURPLAN GmbH

The day began with a short introduction, during which the students learned more about the tasks and responsibilities of a plant mechanic. Our trainer Hubert Moorkamp and his trainees explained the various aspects of the job and showed the young people how varied and interesting this training can be.

After the theoretical introduction, it was time for the practical part. Under expert guidance, the participants were able to make their own bottle openers and candlesticks from steel. They not only learned how to use the necessary tools and machines, but also the importance of precision and teamwork in production.

The enthusiasm and eagerness with which the young talents set to work was impressive. Everyone was proud to take home their own workpiece - a tangible result of their commitment and newly acquired skills.

The Future Day at PURPLAN was not just a day of learning, but also a day of experience and discovery. It showed the young pupils just how exciting a technical apprenticeship can be. We were very pleased with the positive response and the great interest shown by the young people, which encourages us to continue promoting such events in the future.

We would like to thank all participants for their interest and commitment. Special thanks also go to our employees, who made the Future Day an unforgettable experience with a great deal of patience and enthusiasm. We are already looking forward to welcoming many of the young talents as apprentices at PURPLAN in the coming years.

You can find more information about our training opportunities under Career - Education.


[Translate to English 22:] Purplan Girls and boys day