2nd STEM symposium in the Osnabrück district hall

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On 29.05.2024, the 2nd STEM Symposium took place in the Osnabrück district hall. This event provided an excellent opportunity for good practice, networking and cooperation. The program included inspiring workshops on topics such as AI applications, training opportunities for daycare centers, technology for kids, corporate cooperation and the STEM taster course. The morning was filled with exciting presentations, interactive discussions and practical exercises.


In the "KidsCareer" workshop, supervised by employees of the Chamber of Crafts, the participants were able to create something of their own out of wood and explore possible future collaborations. The "Technology Towers" concept impressively demonstrated that technology can also be fun. Their workshop presented experimental and construction kits for schools and kindergartens that transform classrooms into student laboratories. This opens up potential for cooperation between companies and educational institutions in order to get young people interested in technology at an early age.

Another highlight was the presentation of the new internet platform www.einfach-mint.de. This offers all STEM stakeholders the opportunity to advertise their offers and network with interested parties. Whether as a cooperation partner or for current activities in the STEM field in the region - everything comes together here in a manageable way. PURPLAN is also already represented on this platform and has placed its first offer for an internship in the STEM sector. Please take a look!

PURPLAN profile: https://einfach-mint.de/purplan-gmbh-0

PURPLAN offer: https://einfach-mint.de/anzeige/praktikum-im-anlagenbau


[Translate to English 22:] MINT Fachtag mit Purplan